Thursday, August 23, 2018

Digital Hand Studios and YouTube

Digital Hand Studios will posting videos on YouTube Soon 

Digital Hand Studios has been slowly preparing for YouTube for this year by making screen videos of the drawing process of its current titles.  There are page drawing videos of The Legend of Old Cuban Samurai, Foreigner, Rise of Atlantis, and even some sketch covers that will be released soon.  Its been a slow start due to many obstacles that presented themselves for the first half of the year.  But as we start the second part of the year the opportunity have started to appear and have allowed for more video screen capture time and editing than previously.  Live streaming will be following very soon.   

SoFlo Panels is also following the lead to start producing videos for you guys about the local comic scene, artist interviews, and comic con previews.  We hope to release some videos and start some Live stream sessions and Q & As soon so keep posted.