We've moved back here again. The
Digital Hand Studios website is still undergoing some major changes to prepare for online digital sales. So for the meanwhile, as long as that will be, I'll just share articles here. We're still moving forward as a small magazine for
indie comic creators, but our release date is still unannounced. If you enjoy our articles and find the information helpful, remember to subscribe.
Articles & Topics
For those of you who have been following us, welcome back. To all the new readers, we're a blog/soon to be a
comic magazine for independent comic creators. This means everybody who doesn't work for the big two,
Marvel or DC. Our articles range from comic art techniques to the writing process for stories. We look into the publishing and the business side of comics, especially getting the most out of your marketing efforts.

There seems to be a few great
comic art magazines out there with amazing articles, but seldom do they really speak to the unique problems that indie creators face constantly. Most of them focus on the
art, lets face it. What we're creating here is a magazine that goes into
all those issues that come along when you create a
comic book for independent or self publishing. We'll go beyond just the art and get into writing stories and converting them into comic scripts, marketing campaigns that will get your book sold for a wide range of budgets, and how to register UPCs and ISBNs. Learn what you need to know to run your comic book creation business.
What's Else is New?
Moving forward to offer you guys a better experience we've added a
YouTube channel to stream content related to our articles and even some cool places or neat art techniques that we can share. We're going to have fun and explore the mysteries of creating comics...I mean come on, that's awesome! So definitely check it out and if you really like it subscribe to it so you won't miss a video.
As it stands for now we'll be posting new articles and videos
every other Sunday. We're still a bit busy working on comic projects at
Digital Hand Studios, especially for up coming
Megacon in Orlando coming up in May.
Thank you for visiting us! Remember to
subscribe or check every other Sunday for new articles.
Stay awesome!