Racial diversity in comics has long since been a rather controversial topic. Apparently since the golden age of comics diversity in main characters has been quite absent from the medium. It wasn't until the silver age that black characters took on main roles. One of the first mainstream characters was the Black Panther in 1966. Latino or Hispanic followed after with the exception a few characters like El Zorro. Now in modern day comics we find a much more diverse characters throughout the larger publishers, which is great. But now as all the large publishers fight to take on as much diversity as possible how does that affect the smaller indie publishers?

But that isn't the question that I'm really posting here. It comes down to what do indie publishers do when the larger companies take over their niche'? Now that they are claiming in full force the diversity market what now? The indies proposed the question of diversity in comics and the larger publishers answered it. The smaller comic creators can continue to write diverse comics but eventually Marvel and DC will swallow the market for that niche', leaving many companies searching for a new market. It doesn't mean that smaller publisher will stop writing about diversity in comic, but it will mean that they will need more than that to compete in the highly competitive market of comics.