There's an old saying that goes "An artist that knows how to draw beautiful women will never go hungry." There's almost nothing more beautiful in this world than a woman. Art attempts to capture that beauty in the form of illustration. This is very apparent in comics through out history. But unfortunately its a complex concept to grasp for many artists. Drawing gorgeous women for your comic stories is more dynamic than just squiggling a couple of round boobs and a big butt.
Reason #1

Reason #2
Hands. Yes, hands. Some new artists avoid drawing women's hands as much as Rob Liefeld did with drawing feet. They can only hold bouquets of flowers for only so long. I know it's a pain in the butt to draw those five to ten pages of hand studies but DO IT! And remember to study WOMEN's hands. Its so very surprising to see a drawing of a sexy comic book heroine with big gorilla hands. Remember, thin and round off the knuckles a bit.
Reason #3
And while we are at it lets also mention FEET! Same as with hands. Go through those exercises and learn the correct positioning and movement of feet. This is actually a big one. Practice drawing toes from up close. No one likes gargoyle feet on a nice looking women.
Reason #4

Reason #5
Drawing realistic and relevant hair. You better believe it. Women's hair is biblical. You need to understand women's hairstyles and how to best draw those curls and shadows. Please get out of the habit of drawing these 80's big porn star hair styles. Your readers are palm facing and you're just not getting it. Once again, use references.
(Continued in Issue #1)