Character design is very important. As key element of your story they will add or take away from the comic. Your audience should like or at least have a connection with your heroes and supporting cast while either understanding or truly hate your villains. For comics, character designs also include costume design and powers. Here's a simple guide on how to work the process.
This is the rough draft of your character. Whether a hero or villain, you need to build them up and give them purpose. Here's where you come up with the back story, name, powers, and motivation. Make them interesting by getting away from stereotypes and the back stories. Use things you know or stuff you research:

Choosing powers for your characters can be both awesome and frustrating. The main thing here is not to over do it. The more powers, the harder and more complex the challenges you have to create to keep your comic interesting. Today's reader is constantly asking why or how need to provide an intelligent and reasonable answer. A quick search online will provide a list of common comic book super powers.
Costume design is important. Choose a design that builds or complements your character's role or power.