The reason many artist fail is because they don't get their name out. The industry is very saturated, but even within that pool of artists some have very recognizable talent. Sadly enough several of those waste their efforts in frivolous actions that lead nowhere and quickly become disappointed about the market. Others have the mistaken notion that if they draw well enough opportunities will simply walk up to their door step and knock. All of these artists wonder why they aren't making any money or getting more work. "Exposure", that little word that has gotten so much negative feed back is actually the key.

Many upcoming comic creators have this idea that talent alone justifies them. The almost cliche' argument of "Working for Exposure..." is the high light of almost every new artistic presenter...and yet these are the same artists that can't find new work. As an artist myself I will say and stand behind saying that working for exposure is one of the greatest ways to acquire new and well paying clients and jobs.
The single most important thing to know when you work for exposure is the marketability vs work. In simple terms, do your due diligence and evaluate the opportunity. There is a big difference between working on a full 34 page comic for a first time writer and/or studio versus working a cover or 3 comic pages for a national recognized magazine. Use a little common sense. The opportunities are out there.

To get the best marketing out of it you will want to target national to global publishers and what you would consider small or simple jobs that you could showcase your best art. You can even get some benefit from helping small publishers with small projects as long as they're well known in their local comic book scene. Take on a few mini projects.
When you put your art out there with recognized publishers many clients can view your marketability for themselves. In other words they'll be able to see for themselves that your work sells and is out in the market place. When you help local small publishers the word spreads and others will want to hire you. If you can be a bit flexible with your financing many publishers and writers will want to hire you.
The key thing here is to get your art out there in the market place through recognized publishers and local indies so that you're recommended to others.