Sunday, April 3, 2016

Batman v Superman

There has been a lot of buzz over the Batman v Superman movie.  With its mixed reviews its had to decide whether to go and check it out or wait until it comes out on Netflix, especially after Fox's Fantastic Four's disaster.  So what can you expect from this long awaited cinematic showcase?

I saw Batman v Superman at the Cinebistro.  I will tell you this right off the bat, if you have been thinking about seeing it, then see it.  Don't get mixed emotions because of the mess of critics out in the social media stream.  I personally enjoyed it.  The movie does come with a cluster of critics but for different reasons.  The movie itself was well made.  The problem that have some fanboys bent out of shape are the introduction of certain characters in which they will argue that their origin was not cited correctly.  But you know what...that's ok because of creative licensing and it makes the movie interesting.  The film is littered with references from famous comics from each of the main characters.  You can say it pays homage to the stories that have impacted these characters in the their development and fandom to this day.  Many comic fans will understand the references and find it interesting how the series will develop.  Really don't worry about plot holes.  Let the movie unwrap itself and you'll have something to look forward to the Blueray release and future movies.

Its no secret that the Justice League movies will mimic the Avengers by heading to an ultimate battle down the line.  And just as the Avengers prepare to battle Thanos in the near future over the Infinity Gautlet so to will the Justice League find themselves against a formidable foe, Darkseid.

 If you ask DC fans, many of them are going to tell you top watch the movie.  I really liked it.  Go check it out.  Definitely a thumbs up from us!