Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Competing in the Indie Publishing Arena

With the comic book industry pushing forward with the tremendous help from the comic book movies this year its no wonder why their have been so many indie comic book publishers sprouting up everywhere.  This is a great thing but you need to understand how to steer around the competition in order to make your comic book stand out.  Here are a few tips.
Judge the quality of art in your own project honestly.  Compare it to other comics at your level.  What are they doing? How many fans do they have?  Always push yourself for better art.
Is your story interesting?  Pass it around.  Do people like it?  Do they want to buy it?  Rely on a little feed back to know what to work on as the story develops or if you plan to make a second book.
Is it priced comparatively.  Look around for similar books. How much are they going for?  Did you budget accordingly or did you pay too much to make your comic?
Spread the word! With today's social media it is much easier to share your ideas and promote your comic.  Don't go over board.  Share it with a few social groups at a time. Remember that people usually members of the same several groups that you belong to as well.
Lastly, go out there and show people your comic. Go to comic book stores and conventions.  Even book stores. You'll be surprised at how many new fans you'll make.