Saturday, April 23, 2016

Editor's Preface

Slowly entering the comic book industry I realized there are limited resources for new and dedicated comic book professionals.  Don't get me wrong or confused, there are many resources about comics, how to draw them, and eventually publish them, but as I peeled away the candy coating and revealed the body of work for these promising books, I realized how much they resembled each other.  Its not to say that the advice wasn't useful, but it became apparently obviously redundant. I was starving for up to date articles like how to use crowd funding to get my comic sold and printed.  What are the best marketing strategies used by other indie publishers that helped launch their recent titles?  What are some of the better to best brands for inking pencil sketches on comic art boards?  How to put together a small team of artists to work on a comic book series?  How to make MONEY FROM SELF-PUBLISHING?

After reading countless books and articles, not to mention my current adventures in self-publishing and running a small indie comic book studio, I decided to share my experiences and some of the great articles out there  with fellow ambitious comic book professionals.  

If we keep each other inspired we will bring ourselves closer to success in the chaos that is the art world.  

So with this I say welcome my friends and let us begin creating amazing comic book art together!

-Andres R. Prieto
Editor in Chief
New Miami Comics
Co-Owner and Managing Partner
Digital Hand Studios